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  1.  58
    Ist Husserls Phänomenologie ein transzendentaler Idealismus?Vittorio De Palma - 2005 - Husserl Studies 21 (3):183-206.
  2.  86
    Die Fakta leiten alle Eidetik. Zu Husserls Begriff des materialen Apriori.Vittorio De Palma - 2014 - Husserl Studies 30 (3):195-223.
    The paper provides a reconstruction of the notion of material Apriori while exhibiting the anti-Kantian inspiration and factual grounding thereof. The attempt is made to show that a non-formal Apriori obtains because the sensuous has a normative character; further, that the difference between material and formal eidetic laws is rooted in the difference between sensuous contents, given in experience, and intellectual contents, originating in activities of judgement. The material Apriori is not independent of all experience, since it is grounded on (...)
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  3. Die Welt und die Evidenz. Zu Husserls Erledigung des Cartesianismus.Vittorio De Palma - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (3):201-224.
    Der Aufsatz will nachweisen, dass Husserls Denken in der Tat eine Erledigung des Cartesianismus darstellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Husserls Denken eine ganz andere Auffassung der Wahrnehmung und der Evidenz als Descartes zugrunde liegt. Denn – im Vorgriff auf eine Einsicht, die gegenwärtig in der analytischen Philosophie vertreten wird – meint Husserl, eine Wahrnehmung oder Evidenz könne nur aufgrund anderer Wahrnehmungen oder Evidenzen bezweifelt werden. Deshalb setzt jede solche Bezweifelung das Vertrauen in die Wahrnehmung oder Evidenz voraus und kann nicht (...)
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  4.  92
    Der Ursprung des Akts. Husserls Begriff der genetischen Phänomenologie und die Frage nach der Weltkonstitution.Vittorio De Palma - 2015 - Husserl Studies 31 (3):189-212.
    The paper provides a reconstruction of the notion of genetic phenomenology while trying to demonstrate that its elaboration leads Husserl to dismiss de facto the main motivation of his idealism—namely the idea that at the basis of constitution is an immanent and formless stuff shaped or animated by subjective acts. Indeed genetic analysis shows that the original stuff of constitution consists of sensuous contents structured according to a material lawfulness grounded on their peculiarity. By affecting the subject, such contents motivate (...)
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  5.  35
    Deskription oder Konstruktion? Husserl und die Grenzen der Phänomenologie.Vittorio De Palma - 2019 - Husserl Studies 35 (3):185-202.
    I develop a phenomenological critique to Husserl’s metaphysics, by showing that – contrary to what the majority of critical literature claims – metaphysical questions are alien to phenomenology. Husserl engages with the discussion of these topics only because of ideological-existential motives, and, when he deals with that problems, he does not use the phenomenological method, but the regressive and constructive procedure, which he himself elsewhere criticizes. Konsequent zu sein, ist die größte Obliegenheit eines Philosophen, und wird doch am seltensten angetroffen. (...)
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  6.  74
    Die Phänomenologie als radikaler Empirismus.Vittorio De Palma - 2012 - Studia Phaenomenologica 12:331-357.
    This paper tries to show that Husserl’s phenomenology can be considered as a form of radical empiricism in the sense of James, since it holds—like traditionalempiricism—that sensuous experience is the foundation and the source of justifi cation of knowledge, but—in contrast with traditional empiricism—it holds that there are relations, which are given in the sensuous experience just as well contents. Reality is sensuous and the structure of reality is equally sensuous. By an analysis of the concepts of the sensuous relation, (...)
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  7.  14
    Eine peinliche Verwechselung.Vittorio De Palma - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy:13-45.
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  8. Phänomenologie und Realismus. Die Frage nach der Wirklichkeit im Streit zwischen Husserl und Ingarden.Vittorio De Palma - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (1):1-18.
    I deal with the relation between phenomenology and realism while examining Ingarden’s critique towards Husserl. I exhibit the empiricist nucleus of Husserl’s phenomenology, according to which the real is what can be sensuously experienced. On this basis, I argue that Husserl’s phenomenology is not idealistic, in opposition to the realistic phenomenology, according to which reality consists in entities which cannot be sensuously experienced and are thus ideal. Finally I attempt to show that the idealistic elements of Husserl’s thinking do not (...)
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  9. Quallen, Menschen, Gestirngeister. Intersubjektivität, Anomalität und Gemeinwelt aus phänomenologischer Sicht.Vittorio De Palma - 2011 - Studia Phaenomenologica 11:223-241.
    This paper analyses the question of animals in the framework of the phenomenological problem of the common world. First, it underlines the contrast between Husserl’s idea of animals as subjects acting in accordance with a motivation, and the views of Descartes, Heidegger and Sellars, who consider animal behaviour as mechanical or instinctive. After an account of the phenomenological approach to the question of the common world and of Husserl’s position concerning animals, it is showed that the results of scientific research (...)
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  10.  12
    Il soggetto e l'esperienza: la critica di Husserl a Kant e il problema fenomenologico del trascendentale.Vittorio De Palma - 2001 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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  11.  21
    Metodo scientifico ed analisi fenomenologica dell'esperienza.Vittorio de Palma - 2013 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1 (1):1-15.
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  12.  35
    Subjekt und Erfahrung. Grundlagen und Implikationen von Husserls Kritik an der transzendentalen Methode Kants.Vittorio De Palma - 2016 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 8 (2):304-325.
    The paper analyses Husserl’s critique of Kant’s regressive transcendental method while trying to show that at the basis of it is an opposite conception of the conditions of possibility of experience: whereas for Kant experience is structured by the subject through intellectual forms, for Husserl it has a structure before the intervention of the subject. Therefore–contrary to Iso Kern’s opinion–the contrast between Kant and Husserl cannot be traced back to mere methodical divergences.
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  13. The world and the Evidence. On Husserl's Completion of Cartesianism.Vittorio De Palma - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (3).
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